
6 Online Plagiarism Checkers for SEO Specialists

SEO relies quite heavily on content. That’s why SEO specialists strive to create and publish unique and valuable articles and blog posts. Uniqueness, in particular, is very much emphasized as it directly affects SEO. One of the best ways of ensuring uniqueness is to utilize a plagiarism detector.

What is Plagiarism Checker Tool Online?

A plagiarism checker tool is an online tool that can compare content against countless online sources in a matter of minutes. They generate reports that highlight duplicated parts of the content as well as list the copied sources.

Why Should You Use a Plagiarism Checker Tool?

The reports generated by plagiarism-checking tools allow SEO experts to edit the duplicated content or remove it.

Now, there are many different kinds of plagiarism checkers tool available online and we are going to check out six plagiarism checker tools.

6 Best Plagiarism Checker Tools Online for You

We chose the tools listed in this section because of their ease of access and overall user experience.

1. Plagiarism Checker by Editpad

Editpad.org is an online platform that provides various types of tools. One section is dedicated to content optimization tools, and one of them is the plagiarism checker.
Since the tools are free, there are some limitations to them. For instance, in the plagiarism checker, the limitation is that users can only check 1,000 words per query.
However, this tool has features that make it very useful. Some of the most important features are as follows:
  • Can check plagiarism in 14 languages
  • File uploading is available
  • Shows word count
  • Extensive plagiarism report
  • Provides a list of sources
  • No registration required
We can see that some of these features make this tool very accessible. The multiple language support, in particular, makes this tool accessible to a global audience.
This tool checks each individual sentence for plagiarism rather than the entire content as a whole. The unique sentences are shown in green, while the duplicated sentences are in red.
It provides links to the sources, which allows writers to easily cite them and remove plagiarism from their work.
Check-Plagiarism is an online content optimization toolkit. You can find various tools such as a summarizer, paraphraser, and of course, a plagiarism checker.
This plagiarism checker is available for free, but you can upgrade to a premium version. The premium version basically removes some of the restrictions such as word limits and the monthly usage limit.
This tool has some great features even in the free version that make it one of the best tools available. They are as follows:
  • 2,000 words limit per query (free version)
  • Allows file uploading
  • Exclude a specific URL from the checking process
  • Detailed plagiarism report
  • No account required
The word limit increases to 20,000 with the premium upgrade. However, even the 2,000-word limit is pretty generous considering most tools only have a limit of 1,000 words.
This tool also shows the results sentence by sentence. The duplicated sentences are in red, while the unique ones are in green. A list of “Matched URLs” is also available.
This tool also detects various keywords that the content is targeting and shows their density. That way, users can find out if there is any keyword stuffing in their write-up.
The price of the premium version starts at 20 USD per month and goes up to 125 USD per year.

3. Plagiarism Checker by Prepostseo

Prepostseo is an online platform that provides a large number of tools for various purposes. You can find calculators, web utilities, and content optimization tools on this site.
One of the tools available is the plagiarism detector. This tool is available for free, but it also has a premium version.
When it comes to its functionality, this plagiarism checker has everything that you need. It allows free users to check up to 1,000 words per query, while premium users can check up to 25,000.
It lets you input your content in multiple ways, such as:
  • Copy-pasting and typing
  • Uploading files from your device
  • Importing files from Google Drive

It also has the option to exclude quotes so that the tool avoids them. You can also provide some URLs and the tool will not compare your content against them.

The report generated by this tool is very extensive. It not only underlines all the duplicated content but also lists all the matched sources as well. This makes it very easy for writers to remove or edit duplicated content.
The price of the premium version starts at 10 USD a month and goes up to 350 USD.

4. Plagiarism Checker by A Research Guide

Aresearchguide.com provides several services for essay and research paper writing. That includes a plagiarism checking tool as well. This tool is completely free to use and it does not have premium upgrades that you have to buy in order to remove any limitations or restrictions.
The interface is very simple and intuitive, which makes it quite easy to use.
The interface is very simple and intuitive, which makes it quite easy to use.
To use this tool, users can either copy-paste their text in the input field or can upload/drag and drop their files from their device into the tool. There is no way to directly import files from cloud storage though.

Other features include:

  • Highlights the duplicated content in pink
  • Shows the percentage of uniqueness
  • Lists all duplicated sources
  • Shows character count
There is also a button that says “I need 100% unique content”. If you click this button, it takes you to an article that details how to cite sources, and how to avoid plagiarism in general.
Overall, this is a great resource for checking whether your content is duplication free or not.

5. Plagiarism Checker by Plagly

This is a free plagiarism-checking tool that you can use without an account. This tool can check your content against 20 billion online sources in a few seconds. However, it is much simpler in comparison to some of the tools we have discussed in this list.
There is only one way to input your text and that is to copy-paste it into the input box. Unfortunately, there are no options for uploading a file from your device or importing them from cloud storage.
However, even with a distinct lack of features, this tool still made this list, and that is because of its accuracy and serviceable plagiarism report.
As you can see, the tool highlights the plagiarized text in red, while the unique text is displayed in green. Unlike most tools, there isn’t a separate box for showing the links of sources.Instead, they get their own space below the duplicated content. This makes it easy for users to realize which parts are from which source.
This tool is also available as an add-on/extension for the Firefox browser only. This extension lets users check content in real time. It is quite a letdown that the only supported browser is Firefox and other browsers such as Edge and Chrome are not supported.

6. Plagiarism Checker by Softo

Softo.org is also a platform that provides various utility tools. There is a whole selection of writing and proofreading tools, one of which is the plagiarism checker. This tool is available for free, and it does not require an account either. This entire platform is free to use and there aren’t any premium versions that you have to worry about purchasing.
Free tools always have restrictions. This tool only lets you check 1,000 words in one session.
However, there are plenty of features that compensate for this drawback. The most prominent features are as follows:
  • Supports file uploading from your device
  • Exclude URL option available
  • Extremely detailed report
The highlight of this tool is its plagiarism report. It not only provides the user with information on how much text is unique or duplicated, but it also shows matched sources, text statistics, and a readability index.
The highlight of this tool is its plagiarism report. It not only provides the user with information on how much text is unique or duplicated, but it also shows matched sources, text statistics, and a readability index.
As far as the plagiarism-related parts go, this tool also checks the content sentence by sentence, and each one is either green (unique) or red (duplicated).
The reports section has multiple tabs, that allow you to see different kinds of results. One of the tabs is labeledas “Matched Sources” and it shows the links of the sources that had matching content.
Then there is a “Grammar Results” tab that basically integrates the grammar checker with the plagiarism checker. The “Readability” tab shows the reading grade, word count, syllable count, character count, longest sentence, and keyword density. These are not strictly plagiarism-related, but they are still nice features to have.


Plagiarism detection is a very important task. If a writer does not check their content for plagiarism before they publish it, they can face dire consequences later on.
Duplicated content is bad for a writer’s reputation, it is bad for SEO, and it is unethical. However, accidental and unintentional plagiarism can occur in a write-up unknowingly. This means that plagiarism checking is more important than ever.
In this article, we checked out six tools that you can utilize for plagiarism detection. These tools all have a few things in common. They are free to use, don’t require registration, and provide a suitable plagiarism report. On top of that, they are quite accurate.
Using the information provided by these tools, writers can ensure that their write-ups are free of plagiarism.
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