Interested in writing for us?

If you’re interested in becoming a contributor to Cross Graphic Ideas, we’re looking for people who are passionate about Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, Graphic Design, and other topics in this niche.

What we need

We are always looking for new writers for our blog and want to hear from those who want to share their expertise with our readers. This includes helping us come up with new content ideas and reviewing the articles we publish.

How you cancontribute

We are currently open to articles or any other ideas you might have. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please reach out to us at [].

Free Guest Post: Not accepted.
paid Guest Post: $100 per Post
Words Limit: 2000+

Guidelines toArticle Submission

Choose a Topic
Before pitching in for your article submission, please peruse our articles and come up with three unique content ideas you’re most passionate about for writing kick-ass, well-researched, in-depth articles.

Google Docs
We like submissions to Google Docs so editors can provide feedback and guidance directly in your drafts.

Subject Allotment
After pitching for article submission, we will select a topic from your given suggestions and allow you to write.

Word Limit
We only allow articles that contain at least 1000 words.

Formatting Subtitles
Provide appropriate titles, and H1 and H2 tags as needed.

Add Links
Add 1 External Links(Natural Link)

Plague Free
100% Plagiarism-Free

Outline of Content
Outline the content and give a brief description of it.

Once an article is published, we do not allow revision, we can make changes on our behalf if it is highly needed.

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