6 way products packaging design influence purchasing behavior

6 Ways Product Packaging Design Influences Purchasing Behavior

Why does one brand stand out to you over another? On a store shelf crowded with products, what jumps out to you the most?

Whether it’s a soap bar or a juice bottle, product packaging design matters. Your brand’s image will hang in the balance whether you love it or hate it.

The packaging of your product gives consumers a glimpse of what to expect from it. You will continue to line shelves while other products fly off of them if you don’t wrap your product with packaging that commands attention and exudes authority.

Want to know why you should create a product packaging design that is appealing? Read on

1. Product Packaging Design Speaks Quality

There is a lot of discussions to be had regarding quality. Brands use packaging as a means of alignment with their quality standards. Packaging is a good way to mask quality levels within a product, so the companies that are doing so are headed in the right direction.

As anyone who has read this article may know, many manufacturers design their packaging to funnel consumers to conversions, while providing a poor-quality product within. The buyer eventually learns the truth. Purchasing habits can also be positively impacted by quality packaging. Packaging is an important aspect of showcasing the quality within a brand. Apple, for example, has always had a great history with packaging.
Apple’s quality is apparent at all of its touchpoints. Therefore, the packaging has essentially done the marketing job of the product and has created a relationship between the ever-present customer, providing both on the outside and the inside, delivering both on promise and performance!

2. Establishing A Brand Position

Packages aid in developing brand loyalty as color, symbols, or packaging creates attraction between a product and its consumers. In any shopping environment, brand recognition is a simple process if your products or groupings are of the same recognizable packaging style. A large number of options are available both on the internet and in conventional retail channels.

Consumers will assess quality, design, size, color, and innovation when evaluating how a brand and packaging are designed. The packaging that stands out or is distinctly different from other brands and products in the same grouping will normally create a sense of recognition, is more appealing to the customer, and creates a sense of curiosity. Brands that stand out can gain a competitive advantage. A product design agency realizes this and designs packaging that meets market-specific criteria.

3. It’s All About Color

The Colour scheme and font style can also hint at the products’ target market. Take a stroll down your local grocery store aisle to see this. Cereals marketed to children are often bright and colorful; whereas granola brands marketed to people who are in search of healthier options will often use cool color palettes with earth tones.

Instead, luxury brands make bold statements with colors such as black, silver, and gold to convey luxury.
There has been an argument that color is a major factor in packaging. A color palette can be used to catch the eye of the consumer, identify product types, or elicit an emotional response (i.e., a green or brown color scheme for a healthy or natural product).
Colors account for 62-90% of how a product is evaluated or appraised; this is a larger part of the assessment than type or message!

4. Engaging the Senses

How does a package appeal to you? That depends on the product you wish to sell. Green milk cartons may conjure up images of sour milk, yet they are also attractive packaging for garden products. Packages that are carefully designed to inspire purchases usually solve a pain point, provide something special, convey a sense of quality, and most importantly, do not leave the potential customer in the dark.

5. Consumer Behavior Can Be Changed

  • Four in ten consumers said they were likely to share a picture of a unique or interesting product package.
  • Businesses that pay attention to packaging report a50% increase in consumer interest.
  • A study by Business Insider found that consumers typically judge products just by looking at their packaging for seven seconds.
As these statistics demonstrate, your packaging needs to speak to every level of your target market. A visual appeal will inspire sales, the inclusion of your icon will appeal to the mind of your consumer, and the font style will help the consumer scan relevant information quickly.

6. First Impressions That Last
A packaging design should have the ability to speak volumes in just a few seconds. Ariana Grande’s perfume bottles have a very unique shape, which is one of the things that makes them stand out. Goldfish tea bags and cheese cracker snacks are also examples of great packaging that makes an immediate positive impression.

The Takeaway!
Designing packaging for products must not only have an enticing look and feel but also consider whether it is intended to sit on a shelf. The product must be versatile enough to fit anywhere with ease and attract attention, regardless of whether it is displayed on a windowpane or sold by mass merchandisers. Choosing a packaging design agency that blends style, appeal, and  elegance, while understanding consumer psychology, can be a key to your marketing success!

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